HOTELS, managers of offices, apartment complexes, assisted living, medical facilities & other commercial properties

Commercial Leak Detection & Repair

DID YOU KNOW? On average, leaks can account for more than 6 percent of a facility’s total water use. When looking for water-saving and cost-savings, leaks should be a first area to target. Leaks and continuously running water may not always be visible, but they add up quickly and can become a major cost in damage repair and water and energy bills.


It starts with a single drop …


Protect your clients’ buildings and your tenants’ assets — Monitoring for leaks is the most effective cost-saving strategy for Property Managers.


Protect Your Piping & Your Building

*According to 2018 Zurich Insurance data.

Did you know?

More of your water infrastructure is located below ground, making it easy to miss leaks. Untreated, leaks can threaten the structural integrity of your entire water distribution system, increasing water bills and incurring higher repair costs. FSC’s skilled leak detection specialists use advanced non-invasive technology to find them. LEAKS DON’T FIX THEMSELVES.

Water Distribution Systems

Fire lines · Leak Surveys · Leak Detection · Leak Repair

Determining plumbing issues while causing the least amount of damage can be tricky. Having a professional can help you accurately determine the source of your leak while minimizing the amount of damage. Our advanced, non-invasive technology finds leaks:

  • Behind walls

  • Under concrete slabs

  • Under asphalt

  • In basements

  • In bathrooms

  • On roofs from water intrusions

  • In irrigation systems

  • In landscaping and more


How can you stop water leaks in your buildings?

In a word: P R E V E N T I O N. The good news is that catastrophic plumbing leaks are usually preventable. Smart planning with regular leak surveys and leak detection can help find and alert you to leaks you didn’t know you had, and potentially hazardous and expensive conditions before it’s too late. Monitoring is the most efficient and cost-effective way to prevent and manage water leaks and expensive damage. You may be illegible for possible discounts from your insurance provider.

FSC will discuss your building’s plumbing leak vulnerability points, including:

  • Aging valves and pipes

  • Medical/dental equipment feed lines

  • Water heaters

  • Washing machines

  • Sinks, toilets, tubs & hot tubs

  • Beverage dispensers & ice machines

  • HVAC condensate pans

  • Dishwashers

  • And other water-fed appliances and plumbing fixtures