advanced logger technology · high performance correlator

Water System Surveys & Pipeline Leak Detection Audits

Municipalities // Commercial

Protect your community's water supply & aquifer

FSC keeps community’s and businesses running

FSC Leak Detection has conducted large-scale Water Surveys and Leak Detection Audits for countless cities and states, as well as smaller scale surveys and audits for irrigation projects, various industries, and commercial buildings to better understand usage, find “leakage”, reduce losses and improve water conservation.

Our state-of-the art leak detection equipment quickly identifies problems to reduce waste, reduce costs, save precious resources, and come with reportable data. On large-scale Water Distribution System Surveys, WE CAN CHECK 50 miles of PIPE IN HALF A DAY. Schedule yours to:

⦿ Reduce non-revenue water

⦿ Reduce liability and damages

⦿ Reduce wear on equipment in repair costs, postponing costly pipe replacement

⦿ Avoid contamination and public health risks

⦿ Lower insurance costs

⦿ Lower operating costs for treating, pumping, storing and distributing water

It takes a trained ear, specialized equipment, high skill, experience and dedicated time to be successful.

We find missing water and the water you didn’t know was missing.

In a recent water system audit FSC Leak Detection was contracted to audit over 300 miles of pipe and returned close to 30 leaks, which were not apparent from any other means of system inspection. Case after case FSC Leak Detection has helped water companies save thousands of gallons of water, resulting in MILLIONS of dollars in savings.
— Frank semeraro, FSC Leak detection CEO

Find leakage & STOP Losses


Losses and Leakage

Leakage occurs when the water your system produces ‘leaves’ the system before it reaches customers. The term “leakage” could include:

“REAL LOSSES”—water physically lost through distribution system leakage - main breaks and tank overflows.

“APPARENT LOSSES”—water that is being ‘consumed’, but not being paid for. This could include theft, accounting errors and inaccurate meters, accounting errors & theft.
All unauthorized uses and any water you cannot account for.


Why reduce leakage?

Reducing leaks has many benefits for water systems and customers including: greater reliability through an efficient water system, reduced costs for pumping, treating, and transporting water, and preserving water supplies for future use.

We find the leaks you didn’t know you had.

Why NOW?

The average age of underground pipes ranges from 60-130 years old. It’s estimated that 6 trillion gallons of water, wastewater, and storm water are lost to faulty, aging, or leaky pipes each year.

According to the American Water Works Association, currently in the U.S. there are 800,000 miles of water pipe and another 700,000 miles of wastewater pipe. it’s no wonder that 6 trillion gallons of water, wastewater, and storm water are lost to faulty, aging, and leaky pipes each year.

With such a vast amount of water and wastewater piping running through the US, FSC Leak Detection recognizes the importance of being able to survey large amounts of pipe in a short amount of time. Our water system surveys utilize advanced logger technology which are strategically placed throughout a water system. Once an FSC technician has evaluated a system and dropped loggers, they begin relaying information back to a high-performance correlator for interpretation. All of FSC’s Leak detection water system audits come with reportable data, leaving the guesswork of the ground mic days in the past.

What’s the difference between a water audit and a leak detection survey?

A WATER AUDIT is a management tool used to determine how efficiently a system is operating and where the losses might be. It will help you identify whether the problems are from physical leaks, inaccurate data, or authorized unmetered use. It can also tell you how much money you are losing through leaks.

A LEAK DETECTION SURVEY is a physical evaluation of a water system to identify specific leaks. It involves using a listening device to find leaks in pipes or fittings within the distribution system.


  • Water use jumps suddenly

  • Customers report low pressure

  • Customers complain about dirty water

  • Electricity bill goes up without explanation

  • A higher than usual volume of unexplained water loss


  • Aging infrastructure

  • Poor installation and workmanship

  • Corrosion

  • Lack of maintenance

  • External factors, such as earthquakes